Thursday, January 15


Read only memory is a permanent storage medium which stores start up programs of the operating system programs. These programs are loaded to computer when the computer is switched on. ROM stores essentially the BIOS programs which are recorded by the manufacture of the computer system. ROM is non – volatile memory. The programs stored in ROM are etched in to memory circuit and are available in a chip. This permanent software in ROM is called as firmware. Note that the firmware programs in ROM are not loaded in to memory form disk. System programs and language translators are stored in ROM chips.

Saturday, January 10

Lower You Cholesterol Level

Bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol, which stands for low-density lipoprotein, can clog your arteries and lead to heart disease. Good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol, which stands for high-density lipoprotein, carries unneeded cholesterol away from body tissues, so it lowers your risk of heart disease. Your diet should limit the amount of fatty and cholesterol-rich foods you eat.

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